Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Is the Knowledge Navigator concept the ancestor of Apple Tablet?

Apple will possible amaze the market with the new release of iTablet/iSlate in the beginning of this year. In 1987 Apple had a tablet concept called The Knowledge Navigator and described by John Sculley in his book, Odyssey. As we can see in one of the several concept videos produced by Apple, the Knowledge Navigator is a tablet style computer, opened as a book, with very advanced features including a multi-touch interface and a software agent as an animated character using a speech system and allowing the user to converse with the system; this animated software agent was criticized by many as being an unrealistic approach. The multi-touch screen presented in that concept was later included on the iPhone.
Is the new iTablet including a powerful speech system and an intelligent agent capable of learning from his interaction with the environment and using his knowledge to achieve his goals?This is a question I would like to have an answer for.

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